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Vacuum Degreasing Machine Clean Master J

Vacuum Degreasing Machine Clean Master J Save energy and reduce environmental impact
  • Solvent is efficiently recovered through high performance distillation recycler, mist trap, after cooler, and condenser.
    Reduce consumption of solvent
  • Less than 1 Nm3 nitrogen used per charge
  • Energy saver mode reduces power consumed in standby
  • Low noise design uses screw type dry vacuum pump
Uses less than 1/5 the solvent of conventional systems
  • Exempt from fire safety regulations because proprietary solvent circulation recycling system (patent pending) reduces solvent volume to less than 280 liters, 1/5 of conventional systems.
  • Hazardous materials low-volume storage application not necessary
High-performance distillation recycling system reduces running costs
  • Distillation recycler performance is 170L/hr
  • Recycling purity is over 99%
  • Solvent consumption is about 150 cc/charge
Four cleaning functions

  • Four cleaning functions keep foreign materials off product surfaces. Wide variety of products can be washed.
  • Movable jet nozzles improve cleaning performance.
  • Prevent re-adherence of particulate foreign matter.
Small footprint
  • Installation possible in 55% of space required for NVD-10E (including maintenance space).
  • All-in-one design for easy transport and installation so upgrading existing facilities is simple.