Message from the President
Fulfilling aspirations as a manufacturing company
The NACHI-FUJIKOSHI Group is contributing to expansion in the world of manufacturing by capitalizing on
our abilities as a comprehensive machine manufacturer with the multifaceted operations and technologies to provide a wide range of solutions to customers in such fields as automotive, industrial machinery, energy, and infrastructure.
We have established our slogan of "Fulfilling aspirations as a manufacturing company" and established our "Long-term vision 2020" and "Mid-term management plan 2013" strategies to weather the turmoil of the economy and produce high corporate growth. We are revamping management based on the following three management policies as we aim to realize the dreams of our customers, associates, employees and other stakeholders.
- Expand markets in emerging countries
Expanding sales, services,and production operations focusing on China, India, ASEAN, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe to drive corporate growth and establish positioning in emerging markets that promise economic growth in the mid-term and creating markets in Japan, Europe, and the USA as new volume zones. - Create new products and new businesses
Expanding business opportunities by creating new products and enterprises using our multifaceted technologies, and refining existing products and growing our product lineup. Enabling us to meet the ever-growing number of needs in the manufacturing processes of our customers. - Educate and bolster human resources
Corporations are people, from the idea that people support manufacturing, we are educating personnel in Japan and across the globe to bolster manpower. Especially for global personnel as we focus on business expansion overseas and in emerging markets and to cultivate personal with a strong desire to meet challenges and succeed with an awareness of corporate citizenship.