History & Milestones
- 1928 -
- NACHI-FUJIKOSHI was founded with the express aim of becoming a domestic manufacturer of cutting tools and machine tools in the trend towards industrial modernization. The Company's business activities expanded greatly in the first 20 years since its founding.
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- 1945 -
- NACHI-FUJIKOSHI attained the position of a "total machinery manufacturer" as the result of an active management policy during the high economic growth period in the 1950's to 1960's
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- 1964 -
- NACHI-FUJIKOSHI is aiming at becoming a mechatronics manufacturer in keeping with technical innovation and internationalization.
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- 1993 -
- NACHI-FUJIKOSHI has been steadily promoting the NACHI Business in keeping with globalization and changes in the industrial structure.
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- 2004 -
- NACHI-FUJIKOSHI expanded the production and distribution system both domestically and abroad and uphold the NACHI brand in world markets.
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- 2011 -
- Aim for long-term growth with new markets, business areas and management structure in this era of change.
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