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Gear shape machining center GM7134

Gear shape machining center is a multi-function machine based on a gear shaper.

It is able to greatly reduce the downtime and stabilize the machining accuracy by one-chuck-machining gears for construction equipment and reduction gears.


Speedy application for variable workpiece type & production capacity.

The machine can quickly apply to variations of production value & type by being used as a single gear shaper for mass production as well as multi-type-small-lot production.

Speedy application for variable workpiece type & production capacity.

Doramatic redution of downtime

One-chuck machining leads to great reduction of downtime.

Doramatic redution of downtime

Installatoin space: reduced

Installatoin space: reduced

Reducing initial cost & running cost

Adding functions of lathe & machining center at cost of gear shaper.

Reducing initial cost & running cost

Machining target (example)

Swivel alide gear, Ring gear of reduction gear