Corporate Info.

History & Milestones

2011 -

Aim for long-term growth with new markets, business areas and management structure in this era of change.

announced 2020 long-term vision and 2013 midterm business plan. revised corporate philosophy, corporate mission, and operating principles. introduced executive management system.

revamped and strengthened manufacturing operations from four to eight divisions according to products.

established production network in India, expanded full-scale into machinery production business.

global simultaneous launch of extremely high speed spot welding robot in Japan and abroad.


established production network as the core of operations for China in jiangsu Zhangjiayang China.

bolstered sales, production, and procurement systems in China, and advanced entrance into automotive and industrial machinery markets.

established bearing production facilities in India, accelerated entrance into industrial machinery and automotive markets, introduced integrated process type gear machining equipment to the market and entered industrial machinery market.


fully started production of tools, hydraulics, automotive hydraulics, and robots in China, expanded lineup of high-performance drills and enlarged market share, world's fastest lightweight compact robot MZ07 released simultaneously around the world.


established 2016 midterm business plan as a milestone in 2020 long-term vision.

established Production Technology Headquarters to develop overseas factories and integrate production technologies.

established Sales Strategies Headquarters to plan and promote sales strategies globally.

re-established local production of broaches and precision tools in the U.S.


established production of round tools, such as carbide drills, in the U.S.

established new bearing production center in Mexico. (planned)